Data management intro

The xGT tool implements a strongly-typed property graph data model. Users need to define the schema of a graph prior to doing anything with any data. Data is loaded into the appropriate components of the graph (vertex or edge) by getting a proxy object from xgt. For example, if the schema has an edge type called ReportsTo, the proxy object can be retrieved with this python statement:

repTo = myGraph.edges.ReportsTo

The rest of this document assumes you have set up a graph component in a python variable in a way that is similar to repTo above.

Getting data into xGT

There are two ways to get data into xGT: across a network and from a filesystem. All forms of getting data into xGT can be expressed by calling the load() method in the xgt python module.

The signature of the load method is: entity.load(paths, headerMode=xgt.HeaderMode.NONE), where entity may be a table, vertex, or edge.

The paths parameter describes where xgt can find the CSV file or files. The headerMode parameter is a flag indicating whether or not the CSV data sources contain a first line that is a header (i.e., column names) and how it should be handled. Modes include xgt.HeaderMode.NONE, xgt.HeaderMode.IGNORE, xgt.HeaderMode.NORMAL, and xgt.HeaderMode.STRICT. Nonw means no header. Ignore means ignore the header. Normal means map the header to the schema in a relaxed way. It will ignore columns it can't map and fill in columns with null that aren't mapped. Strict means to error if the schema isn't fully mapped or if additional columns exist in the file not in the schema. The IGNORE keyword in the header can be used to ignore a column and not error.

There are four variants of a path value based on where to find the CSV file.

1. Reading from the client filesystem

This method is the most straightforward. The path parameter simply is an absolute or relative path on the client's local filesystem.

graphcomponent.load(("../data/path/myfirst.csv", "c:/absolute/path/mysecond.csv"))

These load calls request xgt to search the local filesystem for the files. Note that if the xGT server is running on a remote system, there will be communication I/O involved in servicing these function calls.

2. Reading from the server filesystem

This method is is essentially a request for the xGT server to go looking for and ingest the CSV files. The path is preceded with a protocol specification telling xgt to pass off the request to the server (the xGT daemon).

graphcomponent.load(("xgtd://../data/path/myfirst.csv", "xgtd://../data/path/mysecond.csv"))

3. Reading from a URL

This method asks the xGT server to retrieve CSV-formatted data from a URL. The protocol can be either http or https.

graphcomponent.load(("", ""))

4. Reading from an AWS S3 bucket

This method asks the xGT server to pull CSV-formatted data directly from an AWS S3 bucket.

graphcomponent.load(("s3://my-s3-bucket/data/myfirst.csv", "s3://my-s3-bucket/data/mysecond.csv"))

Getting data out of xGT

The save() method is used to request xGT to write data into a CSV file on either the client or server filesystem.

The signature of the save method is:, offset=0, length=None, headers=False), where entity may be a table, vertex, or edge.

This is the preferred method for extracting the result of a query (saving from the result table of a MATCH query).

There are only two variants of the path for a save method.

1. Saving to the client filesystem

This method simply provides an absolute or relative path to the client's local filesystem"../data/path/myoutput.CSV")"../data/", offset=10, length=100, headers=True)

Note that the searchResult save pulls at most 100 rows, starting from row 10 of a result table, and creates a CSV file with the column names included. This file can be read directly into some other analytic tool such as MS Excel.

2. Saving to the server filesystem

This method provides an absolute or relative path on the server's filesystem as indicated by the xgtd:// protocol."xgtd://../data/path/myoutput.CSV")"xgtd://../data/", offset=10, length=1000000, headers=True)

This method should be used when you know the size of the data is prohibitively large. It is certainly possible to copy the data elsewhere after saving on to the server filesystem.