Quick Start Guide

To streamline the process of getting started with xGT, Trovares provides a pre-built AMI on the AWS marketplace. To begin, just launch the AMI and go.

Launch an xGT instance on AWS

xGT is available as a pre-built AMI on the AWS marketplace here:

Log in and launch an instance.

Log in to your xGT instance

Grab the DNS name or IP address of the instance you launched. Using your AWS private key, log in to the instance from your machine:

ssh -i <private_key_file> ec2-user@<hostname_or_ip_address>

The xGT server is already running and ready to use.

Connect and go!

xGT uses a Python-based interface to drive everything from loading data to running tera-scale graph analytics. Import the pre-installed xgt Python package to start working.

import xgt
conn = xgt.Connection()

Next Steps

If you're new to xGT, you might try looking at our walkthrough for users new to graph analysis.

If you're looking to integrate xGT in your current data analysis pipeline, you might be more interested in managing the xgtd server or the xgt Python package.

Having trouble?

Sometimes software doesn't do quite what is expected of it. If this happens, we'd like to help! Please send an email to:

with as much information as you can collect. It can be especially helpful if you attach a logfile from the server. The file is located on the xGT instance at /opt/xgtd/logfile.txt. You can download it with scp (or your favorite tool) and simply attach it to your email:

scp -i <your_private_key_file> ec2-user@<instance_hostname_or_ip_address>:/opt/xgtd/logfile.txt .