
class xgt.TableFrame(conn, name, schema, error_frame_name)

TableFrame object represent a table held on the xGT server; it can be used to retrieve information about it and should not be instantiated directly by the user. Methods that return this object: Connection.get_table_frame(), Connection.get_table_frames() and Connection.create_table_frame(). A table may also be created by a MATCH query and may contain query results.

  • conn (Connection) – An open connection to an xGT server.
  • name (str) – Name of table.
  • schema (list of pairs) – List of pairs associating property names with xGT data types.
  • error_frame_name (str) – Name of the frame created to store errors encountered while loading data. (internal)


>>> import xgt
>>> conn = xgt.Connection()
>>> ... run query and store results in table01
>>> t = conn.get_table_frame('table01')
>>> print(t.name)
__init__(conn, name, schema, error_frame_name)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


__init__(conn, name, schema, error_frame_name) Initialize self.
error_frame_name() str: Name of the error table this frame will produce on errors.
get_data([offset, length]) Returns frame data starting at a given offset and spanning a given length.
get_data_pandas([offset, length]) Returns a Pandas DataFrame containing frame data starting at a given offset and spanning a given length.
insert(data) Inserts data rows.
load(paths[, headerMode]) Loads data from one or more CSV files specified in the list of paths.
save(path[, offset, length, headers]) Writes the rows from the frame to a CSV file in the path and the computer indicated by the path.


name Name of the table.
num_rows Gets the number of rows of the table.
schema Gets the property names and types of the table.

str: Name of the error table this frame will produce on errors.

get_data(offset=0, length=None)

Returns frame data starting at a given offset and spanning a given length.

  • offset (int) – Position (index) of the first row to be retrieved. Optional. Default=0.
  • length (int) – Maximum number of rows to be retrieved starting from the row indicated by offset. A value of ‘None’ means ‘all rows’ on and after the offset. Optional. Default=None.

Return type:

list of lists

get_data_pandas(offset=0, length=None)

Returns a Pandas DataFrame containing frame data starting at a given offset and spanning a given length.

  • offset (int) – Position (index) of the first row to be retrieved. Optional. Default=0.
  • length (int) – Maximum number of rows to be retrieved starting from the row indicated by offset. A value of ‘None’ means ‘all rows’ on and after the offset. Optional. Default=None.

Return type:

Pandas DataFrame


Inserts data rows. The properties of the new data must match the schema in both order and type.

Parameters:data (list or Pandas dataframe) – Data represented by a list of lists of data items or by a Pandas Dataframe.
load(paths, headerMode='none')

Loads data from one or more CSV files specified in the list of paths. Each path may have its own protocol as described below.

  • paths (list) –

    Paths to the CSV files.

    Syntax for one CSV file path
    Resource type Path syntax
    local to python: ’<path to csv file>’ ‘xgt://<path to csv file>’
    xgtd computer: ’xgtd://<path to csv file>’
    AWS s3: ’s3://<path to csv file>’
    https site: https://<path to csv file>’
    http site: http://<path to csv file>’
    ftps server: ’ftps://<path to csv file>’
    ftp server: ftp://<path to csv file>’
  • headerMode (str) –
    Indicates if the files contain headers:
    • HeaderMode.NONE
    • HeaderMode.IGNORE
    • HeaderMode.NORMAL
    • HeaderMode.STRICT

    Optional. Default=HeaderMode.NONE.


Name of the table.


Gets the number of rows of the table.

save(path, offset=0, length=None, headers=False)

Writes the rows from the frame to a CSV file in the path and the computer indicated by the path.

  • path (str) –

    Path to the CSV file.

    Syntax for one CSV file path
    Resource type Path syntax
    local to python: ’<path to csv file>’ ‘xgt://<path to csv file>’
    xgtd computer: ’xgtd://<path to csv file>’
  • offset (int) – Position (index) of the first row to be retrieved. Optional. Default=0.
  • length (int) – Maximum number of rows to be retrieved. Optional. Default=None.
  • headers (boolean) – Indicates if headers should be added. Optional. Default=False.

Gets the property names and types of the table.

Type:list of lists