4.3. Data Types in xGT

The following data types are supported in xGT. Each column of the schema of a frame must be one of these data types.

4.3.1. BOOLEAN

The BOOLEAN type supports the storage of two values: true or false. Use the case insensitive keywords TRUE or FALSE or the integer values 1 or 0 to assign a BOOLEAN.

4.3.2. INTEGER

The INTEGER type holds signed numeric values. It stores any value between the range of -263 and 263 - 1. Attempting to assign values outside this range causes an error.

4.3.3. FLOAT

The FLOAT type holds single-precision (32-bit) floating-point values. Inputs with precision greater than 32 bits are valid input but will be truncated. The case-insensitive string NaN is also an acceptable value. Any other non decimal characters will result in an error.

4.3.4. DATE

The DATE type holds a date composed of a day, month, and year. The expected format for a DATE is YYYY-MM-DD where leading zeros must be given. For example, a valid DATE would be 2018-02-20. Assigning a DATE property with a valid DATETIME as described in the DATETIME section will result in the DATETIME being downcast and ignoring the time fields. Attempting to assign any other type will result in an error.

4.3.5. TIME

The TIME type holds a time composed of hours, minutes, seconds, and (optionally) microseconds. The expected format for a TIME is HH:MM:SS where leading zeros must be given. For example, a valid TIME would be 06:10:50. Optionally, microseconds can be included where the expected format is HH:MM:SS.μμμμμμ. For example, a valid TIME with microseconds would be 06:10:50.020006. Attempting to assign any other type will result in an error.


The DATETIME type holds a valid date and time separated by either a T or a space, where the date and time must be formatted as described above. It is composed of a day, month, year, hours, minutes, seconds, and optionally microseconds. The expected format for a DATETIME is YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS, YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS, YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.μμμμμμ, or YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.μμμμμμ. For example, a valid DATETIME would be 2018-12-20T06:10:50 or 2018-12-20 06:10:50.02006. Assigning a DATE to a DATETIME will result in the DATE being “promoted” to a DATETIME with zeros for the time fields. Attempting to assign any other type will result in an error.


The IPADDRESS type holds an IPv4 address. The expected format of an IPADDRESS is XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX where each dot-separated value is between 0 and 255. For example, a valid IPADDRESS would be Assigning any other type (including IPv6 addresses) will result in an error.

For situations where there are both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses in a single data source, it is recommended that the schema provide a TEXT type for that data.

4.3.8. TEXT

The TEXT type holds a string of UTF-8 encoded unicode characters.