- Access Control¶
Security verification done by xGT to enable or disable access to data based on the user’s authenticated identity.
- Administrator Label¶
Token enabling privileged access to the xGT server to be used by system administrators.
- Authentication¶
Process by which a user requesting access to xGT is validated.
Bring your own license.
Abbreviation for Create, Read, Update, Delete when referring to frame labels.
- Cypher¶
Cypher is Neo4j’s graph query language that allows users to store and retrieve data from Neo4j’s graph database. See OpenCypher for more details.
- Egest¶
Process of extracting data out of xGT, especially when referring to large data sets.
- Frame¶
A frame is a structured collection of homogeneous data in which all elements in the frame, called rows, have the same number of elements.
- Frame Label¶
A security label attached to one of four sets on a frame: the frame’s create, read, update, or delete labels.
- Frame Access Control¶
Access control checks for the entire frame.
- Fully qualified name¶
The completely specified name of an xGT frame, including its namespace: namespace__Frame.
- Ingest¶
Process of loading data into xGT, especially when referring to large data sets.
- Job¶
A unit of asynchronous execution inside xGT.
- Job History¶
Set of completed jobs in an xGT server.
- Kerberos Principal¶
Name of a well-known entity in the Kerberos authentication framework. Can be the name of a machine, user or service.
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol, server-based directory. Can be used by xGT for authentication via PAM.
- Locale¶
Software module to support lexicographic string sorting under different languages’ rules.
- Logging Component¶
Module inside the xGT server for which logging verbosity can be controlled individually.
- Namespace¶
Set of uniquely-named frames in the xGT server. Each namespace has a unique name within the xGT system.
- Metrics¶
Statistical data samples collected by the xGT server to enable query planning and optimization.
- PAM¶
Pluggable Authentication Modules, flexible and configurable Linux service used by xGT to authenticate user connections.
- Query Section¶
Part of a query producing a partial answer set to be processed further.
- Row¶
An element of a frame: a vertex in a vertex frame, an edge in an edge frame, or a row in a result frame.
- Row Label¶
A security label attached to a row in a frame.
- Row Label Universe¶
The set of possible row labels that can be attached to any row in a frame. Each frame has its own universe.
- Row Access Control¶
Access control checks for each individual row in a frame.
- Sandbox¶
Subdirectory within the server on which Input/Output operations are permitted.
- Security Labels¶
xGT uses the term “security labels” to refer to the tokens enabling or disabling certain accesses or modifications to data in the server.
- SSL¶
Secure Sockets Layer, protocol used by xGT to enable encrypted communication between client and server.
- System Frames¶
Special frames used by the xGT server to maintain its state, under the xgt namespace.
- Transaction¶
Atomic unit of execution and data modification inside xGT, used to maintain data consistency under concurrency.
- Union Subquery¶
A query sharing results with other subqueries. The results can be unique for all union subqueries or possibly repeated.
- User Labels¶
Set of security labels attached to an authenticated user’s identity.