2.1. Installing xGT

Running xGT on-premises can eliminate the need to move sensitive data off-premises (e.g., into a cloud repository) and, depending on the server configuration, can speed up the ingestion of large volumes of data.

2.1.1. Supported Environments

The Trovares xGT server runs on an x86-64 platform running enterprise Linux distributions. The reference implementation is RHEL 8.6 distributed via an RPM. For information about running xGT on other Linux distributions contact gettingstarted@trovares.com.

Required RHEL 8.6 Packages

Package Name

Minimum Version

















Note that the required packages will be installed as dependencies when installing the xGT distribution. However, for those sites without direct internet access, pre-installing these packages is required.

Some packages such as log4cxx may require installing the EPEL repo on RHEL. This can be installed by doing:

$ sudo dnf install https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-8.noarch.rpm Linux Server Configuration

Running with the Transparent Huge Pages (THP) enabled will allow xGT to manage large data buffers much more efficiently than if THP is disabled. If possible, we recommend that THP is enabled.

To determine if THP is enabled, run the following command:

$ cat /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled

which, if enabled, produces a result such as: [always] madvise never.

If THP is currently not enabled and the administrator wishes to enable it, the following command should be run (as root):

$ echo always > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled Python Environment

For every platform on which the xGT client will be run, a Python environment must be set up. Trovares supports using Python 3.7+.

In addition to the OS packages (e.g., python39), several Python packages are required:

Required Python Packages

Pip Package Name

Minimum Version









There are also some optional packages that add more capability to using the xGT client.

Optional Python Packages

Pip Package Name

Minimum Version



Allows using Jupyter Notebooks as an interactive environment to drive xGT.



Allows importing / exporting data to / from pandas frames.



Allows Kerberos connections.

If there is a requirement that python scripts can be run on the same server that is running the Trovares xGT server, then this installation command is required assuming Python 3.9:

$ sudo dnf install python39

If installing the GSSAPI for the client, the python package will require you have the following OS packages on RHEL: krb5-devel, gcc, and python39-devel assuming Python 3.9.

Pip by default will install the most current version. Required packages will be automatically installed along with xGT like so:

$ pip install xgt

The optional packages can be installed separately, or they can be installed along with xgt like so:

$ pip install xgt[extra]

More information on setting up an xGT client environment is available here: Installing the xGT Client.

If installing on a site without direct internet access, dependencies for the xGT Python client can be downloaded as wheel files, copied to the installation site and used when installing the python package. It’s recommended that the machine used to download the wheel files have the same operating system, architecture, pip version and Python version to obtain compatible wheel files. To download the wheel files on a machine with internet access do:

$ pip download xgt

Copy all the .whl files to the installation site in a specific folder.

Then when installing the python package do:

$ pip install --no-index --find-links /PATH-TO-WHEEL-DIRECTORY xgt-WHEEL-NAME.whl

The pip version may need to be updated as well and can be downloaded and installed similarly:

$ pip download pip
$ pip install PIP-WHEEL-NAME.whl Assistance

To acquire a license for Trovares xGT or for questions about configuring Trovares xGT, contact gettingstarted@trovares.com.

2.1.2. Licensing

The server component of xGT, called the xgtd process, is distributed as an encrypted executable licensed on a specific server. The server is required to have a valid license in order to run.

Detailed information about licensing is provided in xGT License Management System.

The following steps are required to get xGT installed on your server.

  • Step 1: Install the license tool and get host-specific information of the intended platform. Download the RPM provided as link by Trovares (typically provided by email).

    Then install it:

    sudo dnf install xgt-license-tools-X.Y.Z-1.x86_64.rpm
    /opt/xgtd/bin/lmxendutil -hostid

    A sample output from such a run:

    /opt/xgtd/bin/lmxendutil -hostid
    LM-X End-user Utility v5.0
    Copyright (C) 2002-2021 X-Formation. All rights reserved.
    ETHERNET: ens3
    HostID: 000C2BC32G83
    ETHERNET: ens4
    HostID: 0A42F8D4C3F0
    HOSTNAME: wyvern
    HostID: wyvern
    USERNAME: jacob
    HostID: jacob
    IPADDRESS: 192.138.111.*
    HostID: 192.138.111.*
    IPADDRESS: 192.118.*.*
    HostID: 192.118.*.*

    It may also help to capture the following information:

    $ free -h
    $ lscpu

    Capture the entire output and send that to gettingstarted@trovares.com.

  • Step 2: Install the license.

    Trovares creates a license specific for the machine your xgtd server is running on. You will receive a license from us.

    When you receive the license, put it in /etc/xgtd/licenses/ on the xgtd server machine. It should be named xgtd.lic.

  • Step 3: Download and install the electronic distribution.

    Download the RPM provided as link by Trovares (typically provided by email).

    sudo dnf install xgt-server-X.Y.Z-1.x86_64.rpm

    Of course, the name of your distribution may be different than the one shown here.

  • Step 4: Run the xgtd server.

    To start xgtd:

    $ systemctl start xgtd

    To check the status of xgtd:

    $ systemctl status xgtd

    Note that if the installation has been successful, you should see something like this:

    $ systemctl status xgtd
    ● xgtd.service - xgtd
       Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/xgtd.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled)
       Active: active (running) since Fri 2020-11-06 19:05:40 UTC; 2s ago
     Main PID: 9060 (xgtdBinary)
       CGroup: /system.slice/xgtd.service
               ├─9060 /opt/xgtd/bin/xgtd -c /etc/xgtd/xgtd.conf -p 4367
               └─9061 /opt/xgtd/bin/xgtd -c /etc/xgtd/xgtd.conf -p 4367
    Nov 06 19:05:40 xgtd-server-host systemd[1]: Started xgtd.

    To stop xgtd:

    $ systemctl stop xgtd

    Note that it may be necessary to prepend sudo to these commands in your environment.

    If the systemctl start xgtd command has been performed followed by a systemctl status xgtd, and the report says that the xgtd process has failed, it may be helpful to look in /var/log/xgtd/ for logging and auditing output or use journalctl -u xgtd.

    For licensing error messages check LM-X Error Messages.